DIY Home

The Dishwasher is Not Just For Dishes

The dishwasher is not only for dishes

Hey y’all!

Do you know for what you can use your dishwasher except from washing the dishes.

This kitchen appliance can help you clean and disinfect various things for your home.

Kara from Jersey City, NJ showed us how useful can a dishwasher be and what she disinfected in the machine.

Kara warns us before we start putting things other than dishes inside your dishwasher, be sure to clean out the food trap of any leftovers.

Another helpful tip, be sure to keep all these items on your top rack to avoid melting.

Stay tuned, there are nine examples of what washing can your dishwasher do!

Photo: Credit

DIY Home

Table and Chairs Makeover – Dramatically Transform

Boring Kitchen Table

Holly Antoine and her husband from Canada recently bought a new home.

For Holly there’s nothing she likes better than a good furniture enchantement.

So, she was so excited to share with us how she refreshed her dining set. In the new house there wasn’t enough space for her table.

It was 10” bigger and Holly had a decision what to do.

She had two choices – to buy a new set that fit the space or she could just live with it just being bulky… it was not a great option.

At last Holly decided that all she needed was for this table to be 10″ smaller!

Photo: Credit

DIY Home

Here’s How to Make Easy DIY Window Trim for $10

The challenge

Hi there, sweet friends!
Are you looking for a way to add something different and something beautiful on the window?
Tiffany Wynohradnyk was here to tell us about a way to add some character to windows.

She shared with us how she made a trim around her kitchen window.

It all started when her family bought a new house in the near 2016.

On the picture above you can see how this window looked before.

So, Tiffany was challenged to makeover it.

This project took her 3 hours and the most important is that it cost only $10.

Keep reading to understand how can you make one too.

Photo: Credit

DIY Home

Transform boring transparent glass lamp into coloured one

A lamp of Mom’s

Betsy from Ozark, AL, had a little lamp from her mother. It was lamp with transparent glass and gold metallic body.

Betsy needed a lamp for her little bedside table in the guest room.

This old lamp was beautiful, but not suitable for rooms interior.

So, Betsy had two options – to buy a new lamp or make-over her mom’s lamp.

She decided to make face-lift on the old lamp.

For this project Betsy needed:
DecoArt Glass Stain
White Spray Paint and Gray Spray Paint (flat)
Hammered Spray Paint
Thrift Store/ Mom’s Old Lamp
Magnetic Clip
Lamp Shade

Photo: Credit

DIY Home

Planting Project for Front Yard

Need for transformation

Michele Pappagallo from Myrtle Beach, SC and her family recently bought a new house.

Like most people, they immediately made a refreshment of the house, which included both the facade and the front door.

They had already added the black shutters and painted the front door in an aqua color.

However, one more thing was not perfect.

It was a front yard on both sides of the front stairs.

This house had overgrown, there were straggly shrubs in front and they wanted something fresh and new.

So, they started working.

Photo: Credit