DIY Home

From Foam Board to Easy and Light Cornice Boards

I decided that to complete the romantic

look of my bedroom decor, I needed cornice boards. I scoured the interwebs and saw there were people using foam insulation board to make them. I was skeptical to say the least. But with the help of the Mean Man- we made it happen as is evidenced below.

DIY Home

A Paving Stone Planter Box !

Last year there was a great sale

on paving stones, priced at 5 for $1.00 at Lowes. So we purchased 200 of them. Months had passed and it finally came to me what we could do to utilize the inexpensive stones.

DIY Home

Makeover Awning

I don’t know about y’all but over here at my house,

we are in full spring cleaning mode! I’m so tired of seeing the same gross things that I’ve looked over because of busy-ness or laziness…or whatever excuse I could come up with. We are currently doing an overhaul inside our house, so I finally decided—despite the 35 degree weather we’re still having in New York—I was going to do a little makeover on our awning that hangs over our side door (the one we primarily use). This awning has been hanging since way before we moved in four and a half years ago, but it wasn’t really on my top priority list of things to change up until now; though, there are chips here and there on it from over the years, I think for the money I spent on supplies to give it a facelift, it was worth every penny. It sure beats shelling out $150+ for a brand new one right now!

DIY Home

A Foreclosure Yard Into Gardens of Beauty

5/1/2015 Update coming soon!

When I returned from England in 2007, I couldn’t find a home in the Puget Sound area that I could afford, since I also had to buy a car, all new appliances (because of the different voltage in electrical current) and a half of a houseful of furniture. So, I bought a home in Des Moines Iowa and lived there until March of 2011 when I closed on a bank foreclosed home here in Puyallup. It had been empty for at least a year and not well cared for previously. The bank had slapped some paint on the interior, repaired a little of the wooden fencing, installed new carpet and called it macaroni. Here is what the garden looked like.

DIY Home

Re-purpose China Cabinet

I absolutely love to paint great big old china cabinets.

The detail is amazing, so much fun for me to paint and they make amazing transformations! The problem is that no one wants to buy the huge cabinets anymore. They are a dime a dozen on Craigslist and I pass them over unless I can get them really cheap. If I can get them cheap, it still poses a problem because as much as I love them, they just don’t sell. What’s a girl to do with that dilemma?