DIY Home

How to Organize Your Fridge

I don’t think I’ll ever stop looking

for fridge organization ideas. I seem to always need them, especially when it comes to condiments. As I’ve mentioned before, I have a bunch of condiments that I keep in my fridge, but they take up a lot of space. I’m not sure if the best thing about this project is that I’m upcycling something that would normally get thrown away, or that I’m making something that so effortlessly goes from the fridge to the table.

DIY Home

How to Make Tree Bench Made From Kitchen Chairs

I have been admiring, from afar, those tree benches

for a long, long time. (You know, the bench that goes around an entire tree? Yeah…that’s the one!) I’ve always wanted one but knew it was a little out of our price range. Those suckers can cost anywhere from $250-$2,990.

One night, as I was trying to fall back to sleep, my mind started racing. I started thinking about those benches and wondered how I could make one-BUT, it needed to be fairly cheap and easy.

DIY Home

How to Make Your Own Pom Pom Rug

Picking out rugs is sooooo hard for an indecisive like me,

so I thought I would go ahead and make one…. turns out that was just as hard to decide on. Nonetheless, I made a fun and fluffy pom pom rug and thought I would share my experience. It is great, because you can customize the colors and textures of the rug as well as the size and shape! With some pre-made pom poms, a bit of yarn for some custom ones, and a rug mat you are in business to make this great pom pom rug! We want to help you DIY, so some of the materials in this post are linked to sellers.

Just so you know, Hometalk may collect a small share of sales from the links on this page.

DIY Home

How to Make Pretty Hangers for Our Newly Organized Coat Closet

I believe strongly in the idea that making an organized

space pretty motivates you to keep it organized, so when I tackled a major coat closet makeover recently, I decided to add a few pretty DIY details, including some cheerful painted hangers.

Wood hangers make a great choice for a coat closet because they are super sturdy for heavy coats and jackets. I invested in a set of wooden hangers when we first moved into our home, and they’ve held up great. So much better than the the hodgepodge of wire and plastic hangers that I used to use, which often wound up bent or broken under the weight of our coats.

DIY Home

How to Makeover Backyard by DIY Landscaping Project

Our backyard area was in dire need of help!

This is how we transformed our “weed garden” into a more manageable space. You can also check out my blog for the full details:

***Update**** The response to this post has been overwhelming, thank you all! I had no idea that this would be viewed and shared so many times when I originally posted it; my husband and I now like to lovingly refer to our patio as “the most controversial backyard on the internet” 🙂 If you’re seeing this for the first time, you can skip over this part and come back later!