DIY Home

How to Crate Planters

Is there anyone here who can honestly raise their hand

to admit they were born with two brown thumbs? If you could see me right now, that would be ME. As much as I love DIY, fashion, colors, and just all things pretty (including flowers), I’ve never been very savvy with keeping anything you have to plant ALIVE. However, there is always hope, right? I stumbled upon this super cute idea with planters and crates, and had to give it a little upcycle twist. Here’s to hoping I can keep these beauties alive!

DIY Home

How to Make Tea Light Hangers

If you’re looking for a simple way

to add a little light to your space, here is the perfect project for you! This would also make a great project to do with your students, kids, grandkids, or girlfriends — though if you do this project with littles, I would recommend using a different glue than hot glue unless you take over for the cutting and the gluing parts. 🙂 We want to help you DIY, so some of the

DIY Home

How To Make DIY Toy Storage From Crates

I am excited to share with you

my most recent DIY project that turned milk crates into some of the most functional little things in my house. I found these old black crates off Craigslist for $6. There are six of them, they are all identical. I brought them outside and pressure washed the grime, stickiness, and everything else off of them.

DIY Home

Wood Pallet Shed

The hubby got the idea from Pinterest

after searching for some wood storage sheds. We have a fire pit we built a few years ago in the backyard, and the firewood was currently being stored on the ground next to the shed. He thought it was messy and wanted to tidy it up a bit and I couldn’t have agreed more.

I’m going to start out by saying something here, something that is quite unusual in my household, but here it is… This was the hubby’s idea! Check out his $15 Wood Pallet Shed.

DIY Home

Mosaic House Numbers

We love steampunk and we love doing mosaics,

so we made these mosaic house numbers with a little steampunk style. And the best thing about this mosaic? No grout! So they are fast and easy (and fun!) to make.