DIY Home

Front Door Makeover

I’ve been wanting to change up our front door

for a while now but with everything else on my “want to do” list, needless to say, it was towards the bottom. I finally had enough brain space to think about an easy and inexpensive solution, and I’m really loving how it came out.

DIY Home

Decorate Frosty Centerpiece

This was one of the easiest projects that

I’ve done in a long time. The hardest part was waiting for the paint to dry. It can easily be customized by changing up the color of the mesh bling. I’m thinking of making a set for Valentine’s Day using red rhinestone bling.
Happy Creating everyone!

DIY Home

Color Transparent Glass

This little glass lamp has lived in my Mom’s closet for as long

as I can remember… honestly I think many of us have this exact same lamp stashed away some where! Of course that isn’t a reason to put aside a perfectly good lamp… so I decided to completely transform it!

DIY Home

Make a Functional Stone Birdhouse

A birdhouse project using found material

that is eye appealing and functional.
Love this project? You can buy your own by clicking the link below. Just so you know, Hometalk may collect a small share of sales from the links on this page.

DIY Home

Upcycle – Watermelon Wreath

April is Earth month and the perfect time to think

about those upcycle projects! This cute watermelon wreath was made with tin can lids!

Crafting can get expensive – especially if you run a craft blog. So I save all kinds of materials to use in my projects. For this project, I used 14 tin can lids.
****Edit Added: I know several people are wary of using tin can lids because of sharp edges. I personally have never had a problem as I work with metal all the time. However, I understand this can be a concern. After this was posted, several people have left some wonderful ideas in the comments that could help with this concern. One idea was to use canning lids – love that. And another is using a can opener such as the one from Pampered Chef that does not leave sharp edges. ****