DIY Home

Need Green House? No Problem! My Unconventional Solution That Worked

It occurred to me last year when

I purchased a few bell pepper plants at a local green house that if I was going to give this gardening thing a real shot then I was going to need to start my own seeds. (The cost of buying plants being a little too high for my frugal self.) However, I had two major obstacles in my way, firstly I don’t have a green house so I had to start my seedlings indoors and secondly I don’t have a good south facing area in my home for decent sunlight. I tackled the first problem by going to my drawing board because the second problem isn’t going to be changing anytime soon. It came to me when I was at Walmart and I stumbled upon the perfect mini green houses. “Disposable” roaster pans with clear plastic lids!

DIY Home

Organize Anything in 5 Easy Steps

Five simple steps to get anything in your home

organized with Domestic CEO.

You may not know this about me, but I’m a process person. I love to find the easiest process to complete a task and find joy in repeating the task over and over again. I like routine, and I like knowing that I am going to get a consistent result when I put effort into doing something.
When I first started working in people’s homes nine years ago, I found that many people had processes they followed for their day-to-day routines, but they struggled with finding a process for tackling projects around their homes. This was almost always the case when it came to getting and keeping their homes organized. The thing is, most of these people had already come up with a system that worked in a specific area of their home, but didn’t know how to apply it in another area.

DIY Home

World Map Decoupaged Candles {With Free Printable}

Three years ago when I started crafting,

I chose a decoupage project as my first project. What a mistake! Every time I tried to get rid of the air bubbles, I ended up tearing the dang paper! After four or five tries, I was so annoyed that I swore I would never try my hand at decoupage again. Hahahaha, I know…what a sore loser, right? But just like anything else in life, the more you practice, the better you become at it…or should I say, the more you practice, the better you handle the defeat! LOL.

DIY Home

Brown Paper Floors DIY

We have carpet in our house… and pets.

Anyone with allergies (like me) can tell you that is a terrible combination. I finally decided something had to be done about the carpet in our dining room… and I had read online where someone had used brown contractor’s paper as flooring and it looked almost like stained concrete…Say what???

DIY Home

Makeover Shiplap Laundry Room

If it’s a room in your house that you spend

any amount of time in… it might as well be pretty.