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Technique – Unicorn SPiT Opal on a Dime

started painting each item with a base of equal parts White Ning Unicorn SPiT and pearlizing medium with a few spritzes of shimmer mist. After two coats, I mixed White Ning to all my chosen colors to lighten them a few shades and used foam brushes to gently dab the colors on top of the white base. I applied several more coats of the White Ning combination over the colors to cover and soften into the background more. Then I used a tiny pointed paint brush and the triple thick glaze to decoupage the confetti onto my base. This part was so much fun, but be careful, you can easily overdo your confetti which I tend to do. Take opportunities to step back and look to see your progress and whether it’s enough or too much. I tend to love glitter in all things sparkle so naturally I overdid the confetti. After that layer dried, I applied another coat of triple coat to cover any of the confetti that was still slightly sticking up. I wanted a smooth top just like a polished opal stone. During the layering process, you can definitely add more confetti if you feel like you need more depth and sparkle. It’s all up to preference.

the glaze hardened well giving the appearance of epoxy which was a definite “win”. For the vintage tray frame, I spray painted with Valspar metallic silver spray as my base because the original silver plate was beyond repair. I used a sponge brush to dab on Purple Hill Majesty and Navajo Jewel. On top of that, I added a light coat of pearlizing medium and went back over that with a dry brush of more Purple Hill Majesty and Navajo Jewel. This added just the right amount of shimmer to my Unicorn SPiT to tie in well with the Opal tray!

I finished the glass photo frame with a shimmering combo of Purple Hill Majesty and pearlizing medium. I realized that the picture frame glass, although beautiful, was a darker appearing opal color than what I was originally going for with this technique but I loved it too! The vase was a practice piece basically to see if I could get the same look on a vertical surface which can be done and I was thrilled with the result.

The one tip I can say about the vase versus a flat surface is that it definitely takes patience painting on the glaze with a paintbrush, waiting for that layer to dry and then repeating that process over and over until you get that smooth surface you want. But the result is fabulous and I can’t wait to make more and perfect this technique.

I definitely learned while doing this technique, the importance of applying several coats of White Ning on top of the colors. When SPiT dries, it gives the appearance of being much lighter in color but once you add the finish, those colors pop much brighter! And those colors popped right through the white! With this technique, less IS definitely more. The platter came out awesome and makes a terrific vanity tray! It never ceases to amaze me the depth that you can obtain using Unicorn SPiT. You truly get the look of precious stones!

I hope you enjoyed this post and will try this at home yourself!! It was so much fun!!

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