DIY Home

Use Jitterbug Bench

Abbey from Painted Home Goods transformed a $5 thrifted

bench into this gorgeous piece of home decor with a little help from our limited edition color, Jitterbug!

DIY Home

Organize Muffin Pan Drawer

I have a love of vintage bakeware

and I have a rather large and growing collection. Since I can’t use all of it for baking I love to repurpose it in ways that help me with storage.

I’m in the middle of a total craft room reorganization and the next thing I decided to take on was my desk drawer, which is quite large but not very high.

DIY Home

Use Dishwasher Tablets Plastic Box

I did’t like the dishwasher

tablets box so I had to find a solution!

DIY Home

Turned Into Curtains from Pioneer Woman Tablecloth

I received lots of Pioneer Woman

Collection dishes, pots and pans and other odds and ends for Christmas. After we returned home, I got to get them all out and played with them. Then I decided I wanted a new curtain for the kitchen because the old one didn’t match anymore. I went to Pinterest of course and then the light bulb went on! Ding!

DIY Home

How to Make No-Sew Hula Hoop Canopy With Pom Poms

I’ve always had a thing for tents,

tee pees, forts and hideaways. And there is something so magical about a beautiful canopy that drapes over a bed. This version is extremely easy to make using a hula hoop and some sheer curtain panels. I added playful pom pom trim to mine for a special touch. Give it a try and have sweet dreams under your beautiful canopy!
We want to help you DIY, so some of the materials in this post are linked to sellers. Just so you know, Hometalk may collect a small share of sales from the links on this page.