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Jewelry Box Fixed With Bondo

Once the glue has dried, about 5-10 minutes, carefully remove it

Sand the area of the missing molding and then clean it very well. Lightly spray the inside of the hot glue mold with cooking oil.

Now mix your bondo. For this project, I didn’t need much. And remember, bondo dries extremely quick, so move fast. I prefer not to, but it’s a good idea to use gloves when using any chemical.

Scrape the bondo into the hot glue mold.

Carefully smoosh into place where the missing molding is wiping away excess that oozes out.

After about 10-15 minutes, you can remove the hot glue mold.

Allow the bondo to dry for about 3-5 hours and then you can sand off the excess and shape. I noticed that I had a couple gaps on the sides of new molding so I filled it with wood filler.

Then I painted! You can’t even tell which is which. In fact, if I didn’t get a little hot glue on the inside of the drawer, I wouldn’t be able to find out which molding is bondo.

Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post! GO