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Master Bedroom Refresh! Sweet Country Meets Hollywood Glam!

Just check out that linoleum! If you look close you can see that there is an incredible amount of dead bugs on the floor, yes this was the longest abandoned and creepiest part of the whole house. It started where my mom and aunt were in the this room and my grandparents were in the other room (that became my master bath) but as they grew up my grandparents moved downstairs and this became my aunt’s bedroom.

So, when she moved out, it pretty much never had anyone in it again and that was forty years ago. When I began my big renovation this is where I started gutting and I will never forget shoveling the ancient, filthy, absolutely horrible insulation, plaster and lath down the staircase. I was NEVER dirtier then I was that day! Hard to believe that under all of that were gorgeous hard wood floors.

I’m so impressed with how these pieces I inherited from my Grandma have held up over the years. I primed and painted them four years ago before they ended up in storage throughout the majority of the renovation. Of course they got their fair share of dings (mostly just getting up my narrow staircase!) but all in they’re just as shiny as when I finished them.

And it remains so cool to me that that big dresser with the mirror on the back of it literally came back to the exact same wall it was on for forty years. Aw, my biggest regrets will always be that I did not take enough before pictures, what I wouldn’t give to have the pic of that dresser sitting there, covered in dust before I moved it out!

I love my comforter set! It was gift to me: You can check it out here on Amazon.I even managed to fit it into my washer/dryer combo unit to wash it the other day. Always nice when I don’t have to make a trip to the laundry mat in town. So, I really love my new refresh, mostly just having the floor space to move around now is just amazing, my room feels so much bigger. From a design perspective though it was harder to photograph and the room itself is not as “striking” as it was when I had the bed under the windows. I am reminded of a design tip I read once that said your bed should be the first thing you see when you walk in the room. So, perhaps my bedroom is not as “design savvy” as it was – but it works better for us now… SO much better. And that, at least to me, is much more important – I am living here after all

Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post! GO