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How to create DIY Ladder Shelf?

Next, you will need 2 of these 6-inch gate hinges. Take 2 of the 6-foot lengths, and align them into a long line.

In the middle, where they touch, attach the hinge with screws. When you are done you can then fold the 2 pieces on top of each other. These are the legs of the ladder. Go ahead now and repeat this step to the last two pieces.

Next lay the two legs side by side to each other on the ground.

Space them out evenly so that there is exactly 10.5 inches in-between them from the top to the bottom. Place the first step 16 inches up from the bottom. And measure the same height to on the other leg to ensure they are level and then screw them in. And then from there on I just kept screwing in each step about 11 inches in-between each other. And then I flipped it to the back and repeated this whole thing again.

Now its time to cut the shelves. Take one of the 2 by 4 sheet and and make a cut that is 4 feet by 10 inches. And then cut another that is 3 feet, 2 feet, and lastly, a foot. The width of of all of these with be 10 inches as well.


Then pull the ladder apart so that there is 3 feet in between each side and then push in the shelf from biggest to smallest. Measure each side of the shelf that is hanging off to ensure that it is centered. Then drill in two screws through the shelf into the step and finally do this on the other side as well. And now you’re finished!

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