DIY Home

Build A Faux Fireplace

When we first moved into our home

3 years ago there was no focal point to our long narrow bowling alley of a living room. I was longing for a place to hang stockings and display art so I decided to build my own faux fireplace, here’s how……
“Before” The space between the French doors and hallway entrance seemed like a natural spot for a fireplace.

DIY Home

Fan Mail Holder Repurposed

I had this fan. It lasted only a couple of

years until the motor burned out. Now it’s trash. Bummer. When it squealed, we thought maybe dust? It was clean. Maybe oil? So we oiled it up. It lasted one more night. The squealing started again and it smelled like it would be trouble. I had a floor model that behaved similar and it blew up with sparks in front of me. So, we weren’t taking chances with this one. Goodbye favorite fan.

DIY Home

How to Make Dip Dye Decor?

I’m sure by now most of you have seen

at least one item in a store that appears to have been dipped in paint. I know I’ve been seeing dip dyed wicker baskets in several places and I just had to have one so I figured I’d try the technique with a handful of items to see how they turned out. I was pleasantly surprised at the outcome of all five items I tried this technique on!

DIY Home

DIY Concrete Plant Stand $5

After browsing Pinterest for awhile one day,

I came across this video on how to make a concrete stool for only $5. Say what?! So, I attempted it myself. We didn’t need a stool, but we needed a cute plant stand on our porch. I was skeptical of how well it would actually work, but I was incredibly thrilled with how it came out!!

DIY Home

100+ Year Old Barn Door Repurposed to the Bathroom!

Every year, hubby Greg and I do at least one

bigger project around the house. Last year it was a much needed air conditioning unit. This year we decided it was time to upgrade our 80’s powder room. I like to do things a little differently, so… Here’s what we decided to do.