DIY Home

Tutorial – Plastic Bag Holder

A plastic bag holder you can make in a

couple of hours out of nothing but stuff you probably have around your home.

DIY Home

How to Renter’s Cabinet Cover Up?

If you rent, you know there are limited

with options at times to make a space your own. If you happen to hate your kitchen cabinets, but can’t paint or replace them, this may be an option for you! My cabinets weren’t all that bad, just your standard simple oak, but I thought I would test this out and share my results. With the fabric of your choice you can “paint” your rental cabinets to customize your space!

DIY Home

Painted Kitchen Cabinets

I decided to take the plunge and paint my

oak kitchen cabinets. Today I am giving you step by step directions on how I tackled the job and pictures of the end result!

First begin by washing your cabinets and then sanding lightly.

Using a tack cloth, wipe off.

DIY Home

How to Make Terra Cotta Pot Easter Bunny

After seeing all the cool easter projects

posted on Hometalk, Hannah and I decided to raid our craft cabinet and found a bunch of random stuff! And… we turned it into a bunny!

DIY Home

Make Bottle Cap to Floor Tile

We hated the musky carpet in the office / craft room,

So, rather than buy a normal floor covering, I decided to challenge myself. I began collecting beer / soda bottle caps from friends and family across country as well as circulating a picture of my project to local pubs. It took over a year to complete because I waited for people to drink the right colors. I think it turned out amazing!