DIY Home

Living Room Makeover

All the trim in the house was oak, so the first thing we had to do was paint it. We replaced the base trim with new, but the rest we just painted. We used Sherwin-Williams Pro Classic Interior White Paint for the base trim, the trim around the windows and the board and batten. Here are some progress shots of the board and batten.

The boards are 3″ wide and 1/4″ thick. They are spaced about 18″ apart.

The walls took 2 coats of paint to get them looking perfect!

I picked Sherwin-Williams Light French Gray for above the board and batten and I have major heart eyes! I love love love the color. And here’s how the room looks now!

I am also absolutely in love with the way the white and gray brighten up the space. It feels like a totally new room and it makes me so happy

We are thrilled to be able to check one project off the list to start making this new house our home, and are eager to do more!

Full instructions: Here