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Hide an Ugly (or Used to Be Ugly) Fridge in Plain Sight.

I cut the paper I wanted on the top to size first and put it aside.

Mod-podge the top

and put on the paper. I used a sponge to flatten areas that had a tad too much mod podge under it ~ be careful if you do this it can abrade the paper.

Then carefully tuck corners, and apply more glue, if needed.

Top done and allowed to dry while I had a cup of tea

“Faux bead board” wall paper, called Wall Doctor since it will hide most wall flaws. Since I had measured carefully at the beginning I cut all my wall paper pieces, in advance of putting them on. It is pre-pasted wall paper so I did soak it but since I did not have a wallpaper tray, I used my bathtub and didn’t take photos!

I peeled off the plastic brand name label and taped two pieces of paper together to get the width I needed for the template for the curved front area of the fridge. I then tape it to the fridge and used a pencil to make the shape. I then cut out the paper,

and used it for a template to cut the arc in my pre cut wall paper

And after soaking the wall paper I applied mod podge to the front of the fridge and put the paper on.

I did this to all sides and the painted it to match the room it would go in.

In the café room.
Pretty and hidden all at once. I am pleased!

Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post! GO