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DIY Pallet Swing Bed

Marcie gathered pallet wood and used a Sawzall to disassembled the pallets.


Using a nail punch and hammer, she drove nail heads out from the cut side.

Next she sanded! She then started building the frame. She cut 4 X 4’s into 16″ lengths. Placed 4 X 4 into inside all 4 corners of frame. Placed 4″ angle bracket halfway onto the outside of 2 X 4 and drill pilot hole thru 2 X 4 and into 4 X 4. (she used last hole of L bracket). Using 5″ lag bolts & ratchet lag bolts into place. she drilled another hole on other side of bracket, (she used 2nd hole this time, ratchet lag bolt). Repeat on all 4 corners.