
Best Shoe Box Storage Idea

I wanted a vintage design so went online and searched vintage papers, and printed out 8 pages of various designs.

I started gluing ( with mod-podge) the paper I liked onto the box. and kept going until it was covered

When the outside was done, I did the inside too, I think next time I will start with the inside.

then I also did the bottom. and I let the whole thing dry.

I decided I did not want the box to ever stay a bit open, and so I took a free magnet – the kind that real companies give you for your fridge and cut 2 rectangles about the same size

Then I glued them to the outside of the box and the inside of the lid

and covered the magnets with paper

and as per my usual, so the whole thing will be easy to wipe and clean, I put on a coat of polycrylic,

I like them because they do not open when I tip them, the magnets are not strong, but they are strong enough to keep

them closed!