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Tutorial Jar Craft

Pour it into the mason jar…

Swirl it around to coat the mason jar…

Pour out excess…

Print out jar label…
Pour out excess…

Mod Podge label onto jar lid…

Dome with resin…
Print out the poem, which you can find on the full post below…
Add a ribbon…
1. Mix resin and acrylic paint and pour it into the mason jar. Swirl it around until the inside is covered and drain any excess. Allow to dry for 12 hours. You might need to do this twice.
2. Print out a picture, words, a drawing, anything that you might like to use to decorate the top of the lid. Decoupage with Mod Podge onto the inner portion of the lid. The lid comes apart – remove the inner part from the ring before decoupaging.
3. Do two to three coats of Mod Podge and allow it to dry completely.
4. When dry, glue the inner portion of the lid to the outer ring and allow the glue to dry.
5. When dry, prepare your resin, according to the package directions, and pour it over the Mod Podged lid and allow it to dry for 12 hours.
6. When the lid and jar are dry, tie a ribbon around the neck – tack it on with hot glue if necessary.
7. Print out the poem – adjusting as you need – and roll it up, tie a ribbon around it and put it in the jar.
8. You can add a gift or other momento before presenting it to your friend.
**If you don’t want to put resin on the side of the jar, you can try spray painting instead.
See full directions and poem at link below.

To stay up on Mona’s latest crafts and DIYs, be sure to subscribe to Mona’s YouTube Channel: Craft Klatch and check out her website

Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post! GO