DIY Home

Bedside Storage Idea

STEP 3: Cut two pieces of ribbon the width of the bed you will be adding storage to plus an extra 12″. Feed each of the ribbon pieces through the eyelets/grommets you just added to the one side.

STEP 4: Tie the ribbon in a knot around the grommet so it stays in place.

STEP 5: Place the one side of the unit that you just added ribbons to on one side of the bed and feed the ribbon through to the other side of the mattress underneath. Lift up the mattress and pull the ribbon through to the other side.

STEP 6: Feed the two ribbons through the grommets on the other half of the unit.

STEP 7: Now place this half of the storage partially under the mattress and position it so that it hangs where you wish, just as you did on the other side with the other half.

STEP 8: Now tie the ribbons that were fed through the grommets in knots so that it is secured into place.

STEP 9: Now just tuck all your books and bedside treasures away in the pockets.

Please ignore this ridiculous brown bedskirt. I know I have mentioned before that I have been working on redoing my bedroom and I have yet to find a bedskirt I want, so for now I have this old one from my sister… I must say though that this thing is going to be super handy.

My husband is so excited about this stinkin thing. He also just got a bunch of books for Christmas so it will be serving it’s purpose right off the bat.